Environmental New Year’s Resolutions

Environmental New Year’s Resolutions

Environmental New Year’s Resolutions

Environmental New Year’s Resolutions

A New Year’s resolution is defined as: “A promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year”. Every year millions of people set themselves New Year’s resolutions based on personal improvement like losing weight or learning a new language but what about focusing your New Year’s resolution on the environment instead? Here are some of our top suggestions for New Year’s resolutions with an environmental focus.


There are so many different charities with an environmental focus and they all need volunteers, some need help running and raising money. But, there are other more interesting opportunities too. You may be aware that plastic pollution is making its way into our rivers and canals so, why not join the Canal and River Trust and help them clean your local waterways. If this isn’t for you then try looking at local volunteer organisations and councils for other volunteering options.

Alternative transport

Pollution is a big problem in our towns and cities, your resolution this year could aim to improve this situation by committing to use alternative transport options as often as possible. Committing to cycle to work or use public transport would lead to a big reduction in your carbon footprint and would help reduce the amount of dangerous pollution in our towns and cities. It can also lead to a reduction in transport costs and will help you improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Reduce, reuse and recycle

Keeping a tidy house can have positive benefits in many other ways, so why not make it your New Year’s resolution to clear out the excess rubbish as often as possible. By getting rid of it on a regular basis and ensuring that it is properly recycled or reused can have significant environmental impacts. It will reduce the amount of waste going into landfill and it will mean we need to make less because rubbish is being effectively reused.  Using a service like our domestic waste collection will help you keep on top of the excess junk in your home but you can rest assured that it will be recycled or put to a new use.  You can find out more about our collection services here.

Will you be starting an environmental New Year’s resolution? Share your plans in the comments and on our social media pages.